Kate Moss - Jewelry Collection

Supermodel Kate Moss is soon to release a jewelry collection.  While many supermodels quickly become supermodels turned actresses and supermodels turned brand moguls completing the metamorphis within, oh, less than a decade, Kate's may have stayed in the cacoon a little longer.  Nonetheless, the once face of the Calvin Klein empire, has definitely emerged within the last few years, becoming the namesake of a clothing collection at Topshop, a makeup line for Rimmel, and a handbag line for Longchamp. 

Now, the internationally famous face is now working with LVMH owned brand, Fred, for which she has modeled before, to a create a high end jewelry line with its own international appeal.  Each piece to be included in the collection is said to be inspired by one of Kate Moss's own tattoos. 

Moss's tattoos consist of several hearts, stars, and crescent moons.  The collection will be incorporating such themes into very high end necklaces, bracelets, and earrings forged in gold and encrusted with precious gemstones. 

The Kate Moss for Fred collection officially goes on sale in-store at Harrods and www.fred.com on October 1st. 


Kaity Stardust said…
ok i have always had a problem with celebrities and their own fashion/jewelry lines. i love kate moss and feel like she would definitely create a nice collection, but she didnt actually "create" it. more time should be spent focusing on indie artists rather than celebrities who just decide "hey i wanna make a jewelry line and get mad money off it." if they actually KNOW how to make their own jewelry, thats more acceptable i think but it still isnt fair to the indie artists who are being pushed under the rug because of celebrity style launches.

i must admit i did go out and buy that mascara she was endorsing for rimmel london, but thats only because it looked like a promisng product. the first one i bought was awesome. the second one... the brush was bent all out of whack and totally unusable!

ALSO woowwww how freaking inspiring... jewelry based off of start tattoos!! and completely non-original tattoos at that. *gags*
Kaity Stardust said…
star tattoos, rather.