Win Two HEET bracelets - A combined value of over $500!

Jewelry Dose Daily has  teamed up with HEET to offer you one of our hottest giveaways to date!  We're going to keep this short and sweet.  To learn more about HEET jewelry please see our HEET review HERE.
Otherwise, don't waste any more time and enter this giveaway right away! You won't regret it. 

Okay so we have two different HEET styles up for grabs in this contest.  One winner will win TWO HEET bracelets (a combined value of $525).

The first is a HEET swarovski bracelet in gold leather.  The quick fastening clasp is even easier than a seatbelt.  You'll be able to easily put this one on yourself!  Throw this bracelet on with brown boots and a white sweater dress anyone?  What an easy way to look hot. A $275 Value!

You'll also win a HEET Molton Bracelet - Perfect with Any color!
A $250 Value

1) You Must visit and "Like" the page to show that you're a HEET fan!

2) You visit Jewelry Dose Daily on Facebook and be sure to either "Like" the page or become a follower of the blog!

3) SHARE THE LINK TO THIS GIVEAWAY on Your FACEBOOK or RE-TWEET this sentence: "I could win 2 HEET bracelets @JewelDoseDaily go to to enter!"

4) also Required: comment below this post (OR here: Tell us you entered on the JDD Facebook!) and say "I ENTERED! My favorite HEET piece is __________." (check out to see the jewelry).

You're done!  That was easy!!!  We'll be choosing a winner on October 30th, 2010 at midnight.  You will be notified via email and winner will be announced on our Facebook and Twitter.


Unknown saidā€¦
I ENTERED! My favorite HEET piece is Heet Choker in Molten... I browsed the site I don't like the Men's styles. I'm very picky though and they have alot of nice shiny's for women. But thats generally hows it goes. Girls get nicer clothes and more jewelry, and guys get cowboy hats.
Kaity Stardust saidā€¦
Everyone's different, Richard! :P
Sarah G saidā€¦
I entered!
My favorite piece is MOLTEN WRAP in OYSTER. . .although the ROCKSTAR GLITTER is a very close second!
Quinn saidā€¦
I ENTERED! My favorite HEET piece is Lava Wrap bracelet in Chambray. The gold and turquoise color combo is stunning! There's quite a few pieces that would be in my top 10.
Anonymous saidā€¦
hope this is the right place to comment. i love all of these.sooo brilliant..i will spread the word
Anonymous saidā€¦
i love these and will spread the word!!!!!
Thanks Kim!! Good Luck! : ) - Melissa
Unknown saidā€¦
@ Kaity ...I'm not knocking it ... I'm just saying ... I want to be pretty too =P
Kaity Stardust saidā€¦
@ richard, im sure you are beautiful as is!
Charly saidā€¦
My favorite is the HEET wrap in Stud Glass.
Anonymous saidā€¦
i entered! my favorite is the stud glass one...!/photo.php?fbid=388964029732&set=a.383873714732.161554.208198094732&pid=3716686&id=208198094732

i hope i win!

-jennifer s.
Brady Bardon saidā€¦
hmm i like a lot of them but i think my favorite is METEOR in turquoise!
Nicole C saidā€¦
I entered... my favorite piece is ROCKSTAR in SADDLE SAFARI!!!
Charly saidā€¦
I also like Rockstar Zinc!
Anonymous saidā€¦
Sorry for my bad english. Thank you so much for your good post. Your post helped me in my college assignment, If you can provide me more details please email me.
Thanks for turning the HEET on in our HEET contest! Winners will be announced soon! Keep sharing the link with your friends and give them the chance to win - then, they'd better share the bracelets with you! : ) Stay tuned for more great contests and winners. Anonymous - thank you for your comments - i don't have your email but please contact us at mdoan (at) melissadoan (dot) com and let us know how your assignment went. xo! Melissa
Wendy Blanton saidā€¦
I ENTERED! My favorite HEET piece is HEET Molton Bracelet. Love the ROCKSTAR MOLTEN in CHAMBRAY! My favorite color! Beautiful pieces!
Charly saidā€¦
I entered! My favorite HEET piece of jewelry is the wrap in Rockstar Zinc!
Thanks to all who entered! This drawing is now closed!