Examining Kate Hudson's New Jewelry Line

Okay, so we must say sorry in advance to indie, artisan, and underdog jewelry lovers everywhere.  Yes, you've read the title correctly.  Kate Hudson is another celebrity 'doing' the whole jewelry line 'thang.'  They've got connections, they've got investment principle in the bank, they've got opinions and those things a-jewelry-line do make!

...but all cynicism aside, we like Kate Hudson, and the aestetic we are seeing from the line so far!  We'll just have to forgive her for that "Americans eat too much ketchup" (or something like that) comment a few years back.  The line has received great reviews from WWD and bloggers alike.

The Fool's Gold leading lady and fiance of Muse frontman Matt Bellamy has collaborated with Chrome Hearts to create her jewelry line aptly named CH + KH.  Kate's private line will be sold in Chrome Hearts stores beginning this summer and will feature pieces in 18 and 22 carat gold with pearls, white diamonds, tourmaline, and other materials, WWD reports.

Some style columnists are calling this line 'bohemian' and we suppose that's fair enough for the Almost Famous poster child, but we are seeing a bit of a celtic influence in this line.  What do you think?


Kaity Stardust said…
I've always loved Kate Hudson, she's adorable. I'm actually excited to see what designs they came up with even though I do prefer true artisans when actually purchasing jewelry. It would be cool if she were to donate some of the funds to a charity of some sort.
Hmmm, judging from the ring in the photo, it is a little too rich for my taste, in price and style. And I wouldn't personally use the word bohemian when describing 18k gold & diamond jewelry...but I do like Kate Hudson a lot so, I'll give it a chance :) I look forward to seeing more.