Would you Rather get Jewelry or a Kindle this Year???

Well happy Friday evening Jewelry Dose Daily readers, and I hope you're all out wearing a festive cocktail ring having some cocktails (or just a nice cup of a hot chocolate will do), but in the case that you're here coming across this surprise addition of Jewelry Dose Daily, I'd love to get your opinion on something.

...so my husband and I sat down to a quick dinner out just a few hours ago and low and behold we sit right in front of an animated group of four women having a discussion about their jewelry.  Although I wasn't trying to listen in of course, its certainly hard to avoid doing so when the party speaking has got some of the holiday spirits in them.  One women went on to exclaim to her friends "I hate getting rings from my husband for Christmas!"  At that point, I was all ears.  Afterall, as a writer for JDD, who is going to resist finding out where that's going.  "I must have $10,000 worth of rings I wear once and then never wear again.  I'd rather my husband just spend the $200 on a kindle."  Her friends just nodded their heads in friendly agreement and that was pretty much where the discussion ended.

I thought to myself, I wonder if this woman should have told her husband about $8,000 ago that she wasn't really able to enjoy the rings.  Hmm.  I also had to wonder if perhaps her husband just wasn't purchasing the right rings.  What do you think?  Ladies, would you rather your spouse buy you jewelry or a kindle if you had to choose between the two?  Do you have any special agreements with your husband such as jewelry gift one year and "practical" gift the next?  Perhaps jewelry for Valentine's day and more of a household gift at Christmas?  What floats your boat!?


Kaity Stardust saidā€¦
all i know, and bruce knows as well, is that if he's going to get me a ring i need to be there to pick it out. when it comes to jewelry shopping, i feel like his IQ immediately drops 50 points. hahah.

anyway, i think that woman should have told her husband to stop wasting money on her years ago. OR she could gather all the old rings, take the stones out, etc. and customize them into something she will actually want to wear.

Anonymous saidā€¦
Finally, an issue that I am passionate about. I have looked for information of this caliber for the last several hours. Your site is greatly appreciated.