Five Ways Women are Wearing Brooches this Holiday Season

This week Deirdre of Candy Vintage reported on five spectacular chic ways brooches are being worn this holiday season.  The great thing about these styles (possibly with the exception of the brooch on tiny headband) is that they work for all ages.

1. Brooches worn in the hair or attached to a headband.

 2. Brooches attached to bags.

3. Brooches attached to skirts or dresses.
 4. Brooches worn in multiples. ("Warrior Couture")

...or for a fabulous updated classic - brooches worn on a youthful blazer.


Scorpion Disco saidā€¦
I have a gorgeous brooch from an antique shop in Milan and I've never worn it!! There's a turban I want from, and I think if I get it for xmas (as I've been hinting to people) I'll plant the brooch right in the middle.

love your blog!!!

Kaity Stardust saidā€¦
i love these different ways to wear a broach. i feel like an old lady when i wear mine sometimes, even though i know they're in regardless. now i can wear them with confidence. in my hair, yo! :D
Kaity Stardust saidā€¦
thank you scorpion disco! love your name, btw. :)