Kaity's Finds: WHAT THE PUFF?!?!!

It seems as if  the "puffer jacket" trend is beginning to "blow up" again. This extremely unflattering way of keeping people warm is spreading fast.

For only $995 this jacket by designer Cinzia Rocca, will make you look as if you are wearing an amazingly tailored trash bag!

It will also keep you warm and comfortable! Well, comfortable up until someone pushes you over, and you're stuck rolling on the ground like a slug because your "puffer jacket" is so puffy you cant even get up. 

I honestly cannot understand how this style of jacket would be appealing to anyone, other than the fact that it's warm.

All I see is a plastic bag with air pockets in it and a $1,000 price tag.

I say we leave the Puff to Puff Daddy, and puffer jackets be gone!!

On that lumpy note I leave you. Stay tuned next Wednesday for another edition of Kaity's Finds!


JDD's Kaity Stardust is Talkin' Trash. : )
Kaity Stardust said…
glad i made you lol! hahah
Brady said…
LMAO. This was a good pick me up hahaha. (=