Hope Diamond's New Setting Revealed, Smithsonian Documents Gem's History

Frederic de Narp, president and CEO of Harry Winston Inc.
shows some serious excitement over the unveiling of
The Hope Diamonds new Setting.
AP Photo/Ann Heisenfelt
There is a great deal of buzz going around lately about The Hope Diamond as a new chapter in its life is celebrated.  Widely accepted as the world's most famous diamond, this diamond has left its famous  Cartier setting, in order to be displayed in its new temporary setting, "Embracing Hope," designed by Harry Winston. 

The setting was publically unveiled on November 18 marking the 50th anniversay of the Hope Dimond's donation to the museum.  The Smithsonian channel documented the history of this illustrious diamond last Friday in the television premier of "Mystery of the Hope Diamond." 

In an interesting pairing of a strong sexy woman with a strong sexy diamond, the special was narrated by Academy Award winning actress Kim Basinger.  All in high-definition, the "film follows the famous gemstone from its geological formation to its origins in a mine in India about 350 years ago to its mysterious journey though Europe and its final home at the Smithsonian."
