Giveaway Time. Jewelry Dose Daily Turtle Earrings Giveaway

Anyone up for a turtle post earring giveaway?  These earrings make a super cute gift and are even prettier in person.  Silver plated with austrian crystal these babies sparkle very nicely and a really fun accent to just perfect one of those tank top and cardigan days.  Sure, you probably think we've gone completely batty with all the giveaways lately, but we really want to get the word out!  We hope you'll join us for this one.  Its super easy.  See the details below as well as some ideas for what to wear your little turtle dangles on posts if you win!

Enter to Win:
(Follow 3 simple Steps)

1. "Like" Jewelry Dose Daily on Facebook here (just click "like"):

2. Copy and paste the following link as your facebook or twitter status:
Here is the link you must share on Facebook:

Here is the link you need to share if you're going with Twitter:
"Turtle Earring Giveaway @JewelDoseDaily"

3. Hit comment below to tell us what you think of these earrings or what you think about Jewelry Dose Daily. Let us know what you'd like to see more of here!

Get Extra Entries!!!
* For every friend you get to join Jewelry Dose Daily on facebook, you'll get an extra entry.  This can really help your chances.  Just tell your friend to let us know who sent them.
*1 extra entry for following us on on BlogLovin
*Two extra entries for visiting our Forum and posting a comment in one of the discussions.  You can visit the Jewelry Dose Daily forum here:

You can do it!!!  Good Luck!

The winner will be randomly selected on December 1st at Midnight and announced here on Jewelry Dose Daily.

I find that quirky earrings are good for spicing up slouchy cardigan days.
XhilarationĀ® Juniors Crochet Back Cardigan Sweater - Black
or even as a surprise accent to a modern sleek look - just the right touch of juxtaposition:
Sweater Looks from Nordstrom.Com

Limited Time Only! Free Ground Shipping on All Orders Over $100 at Carolee.


Unknown saidā€¦
Turtles are super cute!
Asya saidā€¦
Lovely Turtles!Sweet..:) :)
Kaity Stardust saidā€¦
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cara's Creations saidā€¦
I love turtles, and I definitely love these earrings! They are so exquisite looking and adorable. Would go with just about anything.
Unknown saidā€¦
I love these! I "liked" on FB and Tweeted! ::::crossing fingers::::
Richard, Asya, Cara, and Laurie - I'm so glad you like them. Thanks so much for checking this out on JDD and for sharing!!! Good luck to everyone - can't wait to announce the winner in the coming weeks! Thanks again everyone!...oh, and if you don't end up winning this one, don't worry - we have plenty more good stuff planned for you! : ) - Melissa
Unknown saidā€¦
I want these turtle earrings SOOO bad, they are ADORABLE!!! bling bling! i hope i win!!

Darrah D.
Lori saidā€¦
I have the matching necklace to these earrings in my store - I have the earrings as well. You are right - they are the perfect amount of sparkle for a casual day!
Thanks to everyone who has already entered! Just one more day!!! Thanks Lori for sharing! Please also go to the jewelry dose daily forums ( to let everyone know about your store! Never anything to lose - just a fun forum for sharing and browsing.

Unknown saidā€¦
so so so so SO happy I won!! I can't wait to see them in person, they are SUPER cute and pretty!!!! :)
