Kate Spade Goes All "Spencers" On Us?
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Kate Spade Left Right Gloves $65 (Practical? or Practically Ridiculous?) |
Alright, so I believe it was a fashion blog that recently stated something like "Ask any 20 something about her first purse and she'll immediately light up with glee and mention Kate Spade."
They also went on to say something along the lines of.....
...those stripes, those simple shapes, the bright colors...they're what separated the hip chicks from the... well "nots" in middle schools across the country. Oh, and if you weren't fortunate enough to have a savvy guardian who bestowed upon you one of these "it" bags, you would've just been sent packing -in whatever else of a no-no you were carrying of course. (Writer, if you're reading, drop a line I'll credit you here!)
That being said, you get the point. Kate Spade was the girl everyone wanted to be and wear - moving quickly from the kitchen table to the big time, and transcending even farther and farther ever since...but this season, the Kate Spade brand has gone in a direction that may give former middle school outsiders reason to replace their feeling of post traumatic wantonness with a feeling of "huh?"
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Kate Spade "Taxi" Gloves $65 [Sure, these get by on practicality in New York...but outside the city, might you just look silly?] |
That's right, this season (at least part of) the Kate Spade brand has gone from too cool for school chic to, well, a bit daffy...or "Dappy" (remember that?)...even a little Spencer's Gifts. With novelty pieces that range from bags made to look like typewriters to gloves that are labeled to help you distinguish your right hand from your left hand (for a $65 fee), one may be left wondering, "Do I just not get it?"
No matter how you feel, one must admit that this season's Kate Spade pieces dangerously straddle the line between Harajuku girl and the downfall of that woman in the office's bank account - you know the one that wears seat belt bottle cap belts, blue eye shadow, and carries a new novely purse every day (like the license plate inspired one she got at the truck stop). I hope you get the picture (see the youthful version above).
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Lady With License Plate Purse (NOT a Kate Spade). |
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Kate Spade "All Typed Up Clyde" $495 |
Although I pride myself in having quite the excellent sense of humor (ahem), for the Kate Spade brand I just don't get some of these pieces, but I'm the last to say designers shouldn't experiment. Luckily, as it would seem, the brand is no "worse for wear" as it seems 98% of the products they roll out are still perfectly little miss perfect, you know, (sigh) just like back in middle school.
What if you were an amputee and couldn't put on the "left" glove? That's offensive! They type writer purse is kinda cute... if it were like $10.
Personally, I love novelty purses. Im going to have to post a photo of my koi fish purse on here one day.
Regardless, Kate Spade seems to be getting pretty corny and wtf is this... http://www.katespade.com/product/index.jsp?productId=10768515&cp=2631362.3998847? HAHA.
I do, however (kinda/sorta) like these bangles... http://www.katespade.com/product/index.jsp?productId=4250063&cp=4335770.4335773. Reminds me of The Beastie Boys gone way overpriced haha.
I found a cute scarf from modcloth. com that looks like little buttered pieces of toast... http://www.modcloth.com/store/ModCloth/Womens/Accessories/Snowy+Snack+Scarf+in+Stay+Toasty
I would totally buy that. It doesnt look like it was done by a twelve year old, e.g. those ghetto Kate Spade gloves.