Jewelry and the Locals: Report from Bordentown NJ Cranberry Fest

....sure its the birthplace of the railroad, the entire American public school system, Rollerblades (take that Miami Beach) and Ocean Spray Cranberry Juice, but that doesn't help this sleepy river town nestled on a hilltop bank of the Delaware River gain much street cred.  If you live in central NJ, you probably know of Bordentown NJ for one reason - Cranberry Fest...and the many, MANY, jewelry vendors at this decades old Annual October occasion.  Make no mistake, this festival celebrates jewelry much more than it celebrates cranberries (which actually seem no where to be found during the two day event).

If you don't live in the area - I'll let it slide this time. Since I was there as a spectator, I was happy to get the scoop on all the popular jewels for you.  New Jersey (especially central) is a crossroads between NY style savvy women and women with a little bit more country bumpkin flair.  Both tastes can be satisfied at this event.  Out of the several styles being sold at the fair, here are some the "top lists" break downs.

Top 5 Jewelry Looks in the Crowd:

1) Heavy multiple strand gemstone necklaces
2) Lace up fabic cuffs - in beautiful cuff/glove mix ups this arm accessory was hot among shoppers
3) Layed key necklaces - KEYS are still hot sellers, and now people are loving the layering of multiple styles of keys
4) Crosses and Chains - Men and women alike were wearing and looking for "urban style" cross jewelry such as maltese crosses
5) Small silver rings - magazines are showing a great deal of gold tone,but silver reigned at this Fall 2010 festival.  Personally, I'm not biased.

Most Original Look for Sale:

Knitted Ribbon Necklaces in Shimmery Bold Colors - Stay tuned for photos!


Alright, so hey... I should really charge extra for these things, but here's what I see in the crystal ball for jewels of the future.  Hey, I'm bad at keeping secrets and I think this one might surprise you, and I'm always a fan of shock value.  I see clay.  Yes, where the bohemian 60's meets the grunge 90's is slowly creeping up on us to create a strange resurgance of a love child.  Keep an eye out for colorful handmade clay necklaces in jewelry trend future.


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