Women's Jewelry Association 2010 Scholarship Winners

Sara Gallo Cornell - Pink Barbie Shoe Necklace
Designer Category
$5,000 June Herman Scholarship - Sara Gallo-Cornell - Millersville University of Pennsylvania

Gallo-Cornell is pursuing a Bachelor of Science in education and a Bachelor of Fine Arts. She would like to inspire future generations of art students and help them through the learning process.

$3,500 Scholarship - Hyeyeon Park - Rhode Island School of Design

Park impressed the jurors with her unique draping of jewelry over the shoulder and at the neckline. She will be starting her Master of Fine Arts program in the fall.

$3,500 Scholarship - Jungwha Kim - Long Beach City College

Kim has been inspired by abstract painting to incorporate found objects into her metalwork, meeting the challenge of creating fine jewelry with these undefined organic forms.

$2,500 Scholarship - Avery Lucas - University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth

$2,000 Scholarship - April Field - University of the Arts-Philadelphia

Non-Designer Category

$3,500 Scholarship - Brittany Cox - West Dean College, Conservation of Clocks

Find out more by visiting: http://www.womensjewelryassociation.com/


am gutierrez saidā€¦
Love the Barbie Doll shoe neck - so pink and perfect , rather like Babs herself.
haha its so funny...I feel like I've seen this before... and also, Iused to be OBSESSED with these shoes much more than barbie herself as a kid. I couldn't stop buying them at the old fashioned urban 5 and dime (long gone) down the street. - also, I don't know why this necklace looks slimy to me!
Anonymous saidā€¦
This necklace is BEAUTIFUL! I want to see more!!!!! :D