So Jaded. More Celebs Wearing Green Gemstome Earrings

It all started at the 2009 Oscars when Angelina stunned viewers with her dazzling several carat emerald earrings (actually centuries before that, but you know what I mean).  I guess it would be wrong if I didn't write that women all over were "green" with envy.

After the sighting, requests started pouring in to jewel retailers everywhere to create this earring for just about every budget.  In the mean time, other green stones such as jade, green onyx (as the amazing Kaity Stardust recently shared on her facebook), and even peridot.  I love a great black outfit on a nice fall day paired with a pop of emerald green - makes me feel a little bit beatnik, and a little bit sleek green hornet.  There's something about green against black that is so...unnaturally forced but in a good way (this may be because in the natural world, its almost impossible to see the color green against the black of night...just a theory).

Sure we're going back at least a year, but the general public will take about one to two years at least to catch up to a trend like the one set at the Oscars.  In the mean time, brave savvy fashionistas and celebrities alike will lightly radiate and interpret the trend (its true I tell you).  Check out these green jade beauties worn last week (8/28/2010) by actress Jessica Lowndes to an awards presentation in Hollywood, California.

In a future post, I'll share some newly available green bejeweled beauties including Kaity's find from Bounkit.
