Reign of the Pyramids - Will 'Bad Boy' Jewelry Tenderize Your Heart?

So I'm guessing you've seen it by now...the meat tenderizer meets disco ball/punk meets glam pyrimid jewelry.  Boy has it been put out there.  Those who know me well are sure that I like my edge and could appreciate a good studding here and there, but this may or may not be getting a little bit ridiculous.  Everywhere you turn jewelry designers are putting out new designs that include this motif, even if it isn't necessarily expected given the rest of their collection.

Who started it? (this would be a long post.) What could it all mean?  Will pyramid pieces pulverize their way into becoming quintessential  ...or will the trend die out with teens and socialites who live in LA and the Upper East side (or truck stop frequent flyers in Tennesee)?  It's hard to say - but with anyone in between, there seems to be much more supply than demand, at least for now. ...and yes, there is a lot of populus between.


Kaity Stardust said…
to be honest... im really getting sick of this trend. i feel like all these designers are creating jewelry that belongs in hot topic for goth teenagers.
Unknown said…
I think , and I guess that is in part, what this little comment box is about... it was interesting a few decades ago (that is a slight exaggeration) and now it has become mainstream..hence the jewelry designers jumping on the old, paint peeled, sagging bandwagon - Alexis Bittar for one, did it in a mainstream kind of way over a decade ago .... maybe it is simply that all things come around again and again and again...or perhaps jewelry designers are too concerned with trend and not with design - too many people calling themselves jewelry designers who are crunching out the same old , same old???? no se?
Unknown said…
if your going to make something you have make something thats going to sell ...don't be mad that everyone makes the same stuff obviously if thats what sells thats whats going to be made
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