Interview with Lala/Grey Akbar - Artist, Anthropologist, Head of Veuxdo Magazine!

We love women that go above and beyond what is expected.  Lala Akbar was passionate about getting the word out about new artists who she fittingly calls grassroots come-up's and intellectual local hustlers - but Lala didn't just attend a show or tell a friend.  She creates online and bay area sensation Veuxdo Magazine to give these artists the exposure they deserve, a presence, and a home.  One of the coolest things about Lala is that, like the artists she works with, she does her own thing and has amazing personal style as well.  When we saw her jewelry in this picture, we couldn't help but ask a few questions!   

JDD: What is each piece you are wearing in the picture (if you can remember)? Where did you get the piece/cost (if you can remember) How often do your wear/change up your jewelry?

Pinky ring: UCLA's Jazz Reggae Fest 2010. Dope concert, dope vendors. I think the ring was in the $5 range!
Ganesha ring: Set me back about $40, I got it from some online store. I love elephants, and Ganesha is the destroyer of obstacles. I bring him with me almost every day.
AKBAR ring: My namesake. $10, the custom ring guy in downtown SF. I wear it on my ring finger because i'm married to the game. Haha.
L necklace: My grandmother gave it to me. It's real. Along with the cross and heart from my mother, I wear it everyday.
Ankh: I wear this everday as well, usually with my Elephant necklace.
Leather bracelet: Says "lala" on it. Auntie got it for me from Oahu.
Black rope bracelet: Rasta woven bracelet from the Reggae Fest.
Plug: Faceted 7/16g crystal.

JDD: What pieces are your favorite or the most significant to you?
I don't generally play favorites, I wear each piece for a specific reason, either because they bring back a specific memory or because it was a gift from someone I care about. I love all my jewelries equally ;]

JDD: How would you describe your style?
I would say that I have a sort of androgenous style. You'll usually find me in a nice pair of slacks and dress shoes, oxfords, wingtips, boots, tank tops and button-ups, blazers... I like to look like a classy business man-- with a touch of funk, soul, and feminity, of course.

JDD: Please tell us what you do and what you would like our readers to know about you!
I run an online magazine called Veuxdo Magazine. It's an online art, music, and thought culture magazine. It features a lot of cultural critiques, musicians, artists, poets, photographers, designers. It's a magazine that's for the grassroots come-up, the intellectual local hustler.

You can check out the latest issue featuring Zion-I here:

Also visit us at Veuxdo Magazine: where you can check out the Urban branch, "2ktrillion" headed by Jo'el Lumpkins.

Apart from the magazine, I also do freelance design work (posters, flyers, logo design, etc), photography, and live art. As far as fine art, I specialize in conceptualized urban portraiture, my main mediums for fine art are charcoal and acrylic. You can check out my port  , where you can check out a lot of what I've done :]

Peace & Light,
Lala/Grey Akbar

Don't forget to check out Lala's phenomenal portfolio of photography and graphic design.  While looking super refined, her work captures the sincere beauty and true spirit of her subjects.


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