Contest: Win a Kookadoo Spiked Ring

It's been way too long since we've had a giveaway. We have plenty of designer giveaways coming up and to hold you over in the mean time, we'll be giving away the spiked ring (also available in the blog shop.) You'll have your choice of mixed brass and dark metal tones or just dark metal. Each of these rings have dozens of moving spikes (with deceivingly harmless points!) This ring makes a new statement/composition every time your move. Even if you aren't brave enough to wear this high fashion beauty, it makes a great gift for the ahead of the trends accesory lover in your life.

Simple steps to enter:
1. Comment on any JDD Article
2. "Like" us on Facebook OR Follow this Blog
3. Don't forget to share this Contest by linking it on FB!
4. Comment below this post and let us know you entered and tell us what you'd like to see more of on Jewelry Dose Daily or what you'd like to see in our shop!

The winner will be choosen on 9/24/10.  Stay tuned to see if you've won! Good Luck! : )

"Kookado" Spiked Ring - Fits Most Ring Sizes

Tomorrow of Jewelry Dose Daily: Ten Movies that Inspired Jewelry Trends


Unknown said…
that looks dangerous...I neeeed
Wendy said…
I am amazed at the creativity of these designers! I want one!!
Thanks for entering everyone. Please let us know what you'd like to see more of on jewelry dose daily! : )
Unknown said…
I dunno what I want to see more of but, some of the jive here has been at least informative if not interesting
Unknown said…
I always wondered exactly what the meaning of wearing a claddagh ring was

myself I use to use a claddagh ring as an easy means to talk to a girl

I'd play dumb and ask her if it ment she was spoken for ...if she said no then I already broke the ice with her

half the time the girls didn't know which way to wear it and why kinda funny
Charly said…
This is such a cool and different ring!
Thanks Charly! -glad you like it! Please help us get the word out by sharing the contest and you're entered! : )
Amanda said…
Posted! Awesome ring :)
Maria Ramagli said…
clearly unique and special, like a work of art!