Martha Stewart Shares Tips for the Bohemian Jewelry Organizer

I really love the idea of pretty plates and dishes (you have my permission to thrift for these ; ) in a drawer for storing your accessories.  Pottery and jewelry have somehow always looked great together (I just pictured an Aunt Jemima - I love her - bottle sneak borrowing my necklace - I have an odd sense of humor).

So  do you think your display would end up looking as good as Martha's?  How long would you keep it up?  I give myself about 2 months before all the jewelry ends up in one dish tangled...but she makes it look so darn pretty I want to give it a shot!  Also, having a shallow drawer, I believe, would help keep it tame (i.e. no jewelry high piling)!  Whacha' think?

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am gutierrez said…
no,no, nooooooooooo - sorry to be sooo negative - but this is not organizing this is "prettyizing" - imagine what the dishes will do each and every time you open the a rush....
20+ plus years as working as an organizer...
i will get back to you with a solution...:)
Kaity Stardust said…
hmmm. i think everything would end up in a big mess for me within a week if i did that. haha. it sure looks pretty, though.
haha I love it Andrea!!! That's right. You know what you're talking about!!! It really IS pretty-tizing. ..I can hear the cling clang break as we speak.
talia said…
i agree with Andrea but i'd still do this for a while - and Melis, i'm with you - i give myself a week, not even 2 before all of mine would end up in 1 big tangled, piled mess! .... because i already have 2 sugar dishes sitting in front of me now like that :x i still LOVE that you posted this though. lalaLOVE it!
stacy said…
Hmmm, well I do like the idea of being able to actually SEE what I've got. How many times have you emptied a box or something and said, "Oh my gosh, I forgot about that ring!"
I'm still working on deciding what my perfect jewelry storage method is! -so true about finding things...I have about 3 things that I know I need to look for now that you've mentioned that! also, so glad you liked the post Talia!

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