The Large Logo Trend in Accessories Finally Winding Down?

Vintage Louis Vuitton
sans Huge Obnoxious Logo
tiny logo pattern doesn't count! : )

If you're somewhere in between your 20's and 40's you know what I'm talking about.  You may have even fallen victim to it once or twice.  Hey, you might be a repeat offender.  I understand if you lived in mainstream America and found it hard to resist.  All your friends were doing it.  Your family was doing it.  Not doing it kind of sort of meant you, well, sucked... by certain ridiculous standards.

I'm talking about
HUGE OBNOXIOUS LOGOS on your accesories!  Actually, those words look pretty chic blown up like that, who knew?  If I had a mind to make some money, I'd put them on a hat, tshirt, or bag (you're welcome for the free idea)....but alas, that's not my point.  Read on.

A recent study conducted by the University of Southern California (USC) Marshall School of Business, is telling us what I've quietly known all along.  You do NOT prove some kind of spectacular financial status with logos.  In fact, you do quite the opposite and here's why...High end brands charge much more for their understated pieces across the board.  In fact in fact, (in my opinion anyway) companies that never would have done this in the first place began doing it to gain middle class market share - enough said!  Now, I'm going to be nice here, because I really truly do believe you should always wear what you want and what you feel comfortable wearing.  Let me ask you this, have YOU ever really felt comfortable wearing HUGE OBNOXIOUS LOGO'D accessories...or did you simply feel "with it."  siggh.... you weren't.  No I kid, I kid.  I mean, you were but...well you know what I mean. 

Anyway,  I'd like to point out that my anti huge logo stance does not come from me simply wanting to be a rebel as I'm sure at this point you might be suspecting.  It actually, honestly, comes from my love of DESIGN.  I like design that speaks for itself.  Some branding can be beautiful and fun as well... but obnoxious for the sake of being obnoxious branding?  It takes away from the art of the piece.  It really does and this is why I'm happy that we are finally, after YEARS of having it literally in our faces, seeing a small diminishing of this bizarre and ridiculous practice.   Wearing a clock on your purse like Flavor Flave or my grandmother = hillarious fun obnoxiousness.  If you miss your huge labels, I say try that instead!

...on a side note, I have to say one of my first experiences with designer brands was sitting at my grandmother's neighbor's house doing crafts with other neighborhood kids.  I looked over onto the avocado colored chair and saw a brown and tan bag with subtle V's on it.  I think you know where I'm going with this.  Now I know my neighbor wasn't trying to prove social status, otherwise she'd have moved out of one of the most depressed cities on the East Coast (maybe)...but what I did find out about her later was that she had great, understated taste...and a Louis Vuitton bag... WITHOUT a HUGE OBNOXIOUS LOGO...and one that I haven't forgotten in over 20 years.  I'd say that is proof that yes, Less is More. 


Kaity Stardust said…
THANK YOU FOR THIS POST. you couldn't be any more right!!
Unknown said…
yeah you know I get sick of it on my Tee shirts too...I was trying to find a decent stretch cotton T and they all had rediculous brand logos all on the chest
I don't want to be a Nike advertisement