Fondue Friday with Fun 60s Shell Earrings and Great Hair.

If all goes according to plan (and thats a serious stipulation) my husband and I might go out to a fondue restaraunt this evening.  This has become one of the most exciting things I do in my adult life.  Judgements anyone?  Either way, these fondue outtings come up about once per season, and honestly they give me something to work towards (since they are so damn expensive - talk about a high margin product).  Some people work for a little place in Nantucket, a trip to Fiji...with me, its fondue.

Thoughts of this trip all week have almost over-run jewelry and design thoughts in my mind but of course not entirely.  I mean, what jewelry does one want to wear out to a night of fondue?  Just for serious kicks I googled something about jewelry to fondue dinners not really expecting to come up with anything.  The picture above is what I came up with.  Oh what fun...60s, fondue, kinky house parties (for some reason I have this notion that everyone was a-swingin' back then) and awesome earrings...I mean look at that chick's awesome earrings.  They appear to be some sort of jagged tied together shells.  Anything jagged in jewelry is fab.  Eating off of the pool table and owning lava lamps past the age of 16 also gets this picture points in my book.  I'm not sure about what appears to be a fondue pimp's ill tucked in shirt but most things are great about this picture...oh, except the fact that the whole party of guests are all dipping into the same fondue pots. O-M-G.  They might as well be swingin.  A tad bit obsessive germ-a-phobic me doesn't really enjoy that too much.  If I was hosting this party, each person and their date would get their own little pot.  Happy fondue what should I wear?

This also reminds me that having a jewelry party with fondue (grant it you had two seperate table spaces) would be a fabulous idea, especially if your collection is 60s themed.  Maybe you could do it creepy 60's style and have a jewelry swap meet with fondue.  Okay I'm going to stop thinking now.
