Winner of Jewelry Dose Daily Snake Necklace Giveaway Announced

First off, I want to start by saying that it literally physically pains me that I only have one of these necklaces to give away.  For those of you who know me personally, I think you know being strict is not one of my strong points!  I want each of you that entered to have one!  You are all amazing! 

If you didn't win this time, please don't be discouraged as we will be having another contest beginning on Monday...maybe I can get my hands on another flexible snake but that is to be announced!!! 

Unfortunately for this one I could only randomly generate one winner. I only allow one click on the random number generator. Here is how I did it.

First I checked out who entered:

THEN!!!..... I assigned each entrant a number respective to the order in which they entered (NEKTARA just made it since she shared the link just at midnight!):

.....then I went to the simply genius!

....and set the range (1-6 for 6 entrants)

CLICKED GENERATE ONLY ONCE TO SELECT THE WINNER..and then shed a tear for everyone else whose number didn't come up!!!! ; ) - seriously though, it hurt!


NEKTARIA RESS you just made it (how suspenseful!) and you have won the snake necklace!!!  Congratulations!  You are about to be a modern day Cleopatra!

(shipping rates outside the continental US would apply)
You have 7 days to email and claim your prize - after that another winner would be generated!

We'd love if you shared a picture of yourself in/with the necklace once you receive it if you are comfortable with that or even just a picture of the necklace on your table (I'm camera shy too so I understand!)  It would make jewelry dose daily soooo happy!...but we're not guilting you or anything.  Seriously, its optional! :)

Everyone who did not win - please try again next week - we will be making it easy to enter!!!

My serious sincerest thanks for entering and sharing our site !


am gutierrez saidā€¦
Congratulations to Nektaria !!! Wear it well !
cant wait to see what the next giveaway will be !
Don't be sad Kaity! I will make this up to you!! : )