Which finger should I wear this ring on!? The general legendary significance of rings by hand and finger

Huge Sparkling Clear CZ IMAN Crystal Bow Cocktail Ring Size 6(Size 6,7,8,9,10)

Being fortunate enough to be involved in the jewelry world, I've had the opportunity to meet a fabulous variety of people and personality types.  (I could go on forever about just how much you can tell about a person by their taste in jewelry.  I could also speak volumes about how amazingly intimate and sentimental jewelry is for many men and women alike.  I'll save all that for a future post!) ..but when it comes to rings, I've met only two kinds of people - those that love them, and those that hate them.  Sometimes the ability to wear rings depends on a person's lifestyle and occupation.  Generally, athletes don't wear that many rings for example... I guess we "jewelry people" can forgive them for that.  For some, distaste for rings stems from a negative perception of one's hands.  People that have this issue do not like to call attention to their hands.  To this, I say, I've seen a lot of hands, and I haven't seen any that rings wouldn't look lovely on.. 

...that all being said, I have to say the majority of people who don't wear rings, are scared to wear rings.  They simply feel they don't know how to wear them.  They often don't admit it, and come up with alternate excuse..they're not fooling me.  I'm here to tell you there is NO "right" or "wrong" way to wear rings, especially today!  If you are one of these people, I insist you cast your fears aside, and honor your miraculous digits.  Rings are sexy (or just very pretty for those of you who might fear the "s" word!)  I don't care if you wear them on one finger, all fingers, right hand, left hand.. just remember to rock them confidently, and they'll bring nothing but admiration (and something to fidget with when you're bored or worried!) 

Even though I want you to remember the best way to wear rings is the way YOU want to wear rings, all in good fun, here is some interesting info about the historic symbolism of rings.  Each culture and time period seems to hold their own set of suggestions for wear as well as mythology surrounding the ring wearer.  Many know about the American modern engagement and/or wedding band being worn on the left ring finger, but here are a few other things to check out:

Historic symbolism and significance of rings:
(reverse the following information if you are left handed)

Symbolism of the Hands:
Right Hand: the right hand is the "giving" hand (I didn't make this stuff up people ; )
(alternate viewpoint: right hand represents your future)

Left Hand: the left hand is the "receiving" hand
(alternate viewpoint: left hand represents your past)

This means that a historically a ring worn on a particular finger on the right hand is symbolic of giving, sharing, or exemplifying the particular quality that finger is associated with (see below)

Wearing rings on the left hand is said to symbolize the receiving of, or to allow the wearer to receive whatever is associated with the particular finger. (see below)

Symbolism of the fingers:
Believe it or not, many cultures and belief systems still honor the naming of the fingers by greek gods as follows:

*Littlest or "pinky" finger: "Mercury"
symbolic of being receptive and communication

*Ring finger (next to pinky): "Apollo"
symbolic of creativity, compassion, artistic expression, connectedness (to nature and the world)

*Middle finger: "Saturn"
symbolic of responsility, self regulation, human law, awareness of right and wrong, morality

*Pointer (index) finger: "Jupiter"
symbolic of POWER, authority, self confidence, and everything that goes with it.  Think large and in charge cocktail rings these days. ; )

*Thumb: (not otherwise named)
symbolic of willfulness, hopefulness, assertion (More and more people are starting to wear thumb rings, could it be that we could use a little hope and strength in persistance?)

Use this information however you'd like, but no matter what, I don't care if you wear blingy rings, plain rings, crafty rings, or edgy masculine rings, its time to ditch your fear of rings today.

4.30 Carat Genuine Amethyst Octagon & Trillions Sterling Silver Ring

For some other perspectives on the history of rings you can check out:

Extremely Loosely Related - Enjoy:


Unknown saidā€¦
I believe you didn't make this stuff up but who did ?
I mean the middle finger having to do with morality ...why is it immoral to stick it up then?
who makes these rules ...lol just thought that was ironic
Melissa, we totally agree with you! We love accessorizing with rings-a good cocktail ring is a must! Thanks for breaking down the meaning of each finger, very interesting.

There is also a debate on whether or not women should wear their wedding ring and engagement ring at the same time, or separately. We say whatever makes you happy, there are no rules on how to wear your rings, as long as you love it!