SenseOfFashion.Com is breakin' Etsy Hearts! A new great platform of indie shops.

What the fudge this can't REALLY be $26!??? A Bib necklace I'm actually Okay with by TChibi

                                                                     TChibi's Designs

I'm a VERY hard impulse sell, and I might just buy this today for the fall...unless you buy it out from under me. I honestly am hoping you don't. <3


Okay, so finally it happened.  For year's I've been saying Puh-leeassse somebody debunk the etsy stipulation of selling only hand crafted... (but you can sell vintage and pre-made findings...huh???) and give me something that is more Fashion centered!!!  The etsy platform is great... but where could I find the really talented creations of collaborative design teams etc?

...oh, and not to mention the fact that accessories on etsy were TIRESOME to sort through.

Thank you facebook ads for showing me Sense of Fashion.  I'm very dissapointed in myself for not having found it sooner.

oh, and no Listing Fees!?  That's just excellent.

so, sure I'm sure some abuses of this well intentioned website will ensue, but for now it looks indie goodness, and generally user friendly too.  Although the piece I chose to show is handcrafted personally, not all pieces on the site use discretion about how/what you want to buy!


michelle said…
Their stuff is really great - I have my eye on a couple of pieces. :)
Thanks for checking it out with us Michelle! I couldn't resist posting as I was also super impressed with some of the talent on there!