Sarah Cavender Metalworks - Old world craftsmenship & Delicious Modern Appeal

This past January I had the priviledge of browsing remarkable design showrooms in Atlanta.  It was here that I learned about Sarah Cavender and her company.  I'm a little behind but I've been dying to share her collection ever since.  In Sarah's collection, each piece is cohesive of her distinct vision.  It is a collection very true unto itself...truly artisan, and very free of submission to of-the-moment trends.  Ironically, the metal mesh that Sarah and her artisan's work with is often mimicked in some very popular costume jewelry.  It certainly isn't the same and I upon checking out these pieces, I think you'll agree. 

...Gentle southern charm and artisan craftmenship intertwined with the sophistication of metropolitain fine art.


Sarah Cavendar is a trained sculptor, undeniably evident in her the Sarah Cavender Metalworks collection.  Although Sarah's pieces have appeared in Vogue, Mademoiselle, In-Style, Glamour, McCalls, and Lucky Magazines, the company remains approachable and low key, priding itself in customer service.

An Amazing fact about this collection:
Each piece is made to order Oxford, Alabama!  The materials from this collection are mainly sourced from the US and Europe.

The Collection has been offered by the Smithsonian. 

You can keep up to date with Sarah Cavender Metalworks on Facebook!  They even craft fabulous belts and handbags.  I found that you can shop the collection online through

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