Last Week’s Trip to Atlantic City: Jewelry & the Taj

Live with a homebody who hates shopping? Need an excuse to get them to take you on a daytrip? Start an auxiliary business project, why don’t you!? Sure, it might be as par for the course as trying to open a peanut shell with a 1 ton anvil, but that seems to be how I get things around here. So anyway, I’d like to thank my husband who so graciously accompanied me on my latest quest to find some fun pieces while in Atlantic City, NJ this past weekend. Forgetting to bring the “good” camera was not so fabulous, but the view from the bar atop the Taj was pretty sweet, as were some of the pieces we spotted Anyway, here are a few of my favorite finds from inside the Trump Taj Casino snapped by my husband (hmm I’ll probably not put him through this again) with the (hey, its not a bad camera for a phone) iPhone 3…

These cuffs had embroidered pillows on the top. I really loved these. The cuff part was brass with great Indian style detailing, a very interesting mix of American folk art and Indian Jewelry Art. These can be found at Accents on the second level of the Taj. I’ll dig for more info and better pictures later.

Soft Gold Tone Snake Bangles in Cache were only $42 each, and look much better in person.

Check it all out for yourself:

Sure, its just Jersey, but come on, look at that gorgeous view of the sound…so I highly recommend you stay for the weekend. ;)
