The Jewelry Underground...Jewel maker for upcoming season of Spartacus Blood and Sand revealed

Well, this is a jewelry site, but I'm pretty sure we can't beat Starz's Spartacus Blood and Sand series when it comes to eye candy.  For those of you who watched the show, you may have caught on to the fact that jewelry and its symbolism is a pretty integral part of the series (like, really!). Basically the producers use jewelry to symbolize excess, luxury, and desire as well as to highlight the tragic schism between the social classes. ā€¦Pretty basic well-thought-out costume planning, really. In more than one instance in the series, women in the upper class argue over and pay a premium price for the creations brought to them by the town jewel peddler...who is in a way, looked to in similar fashion to bartenders today...a real go-to guy. The slaves in the series usually don a simple flower wreath on the head, if not total absence of adornment. In future posts, I'll share a little bit more about how the producers used jewelry to enrich the plot...! : )

(did it really need a plot? - Kidding!)

I know my posts are little consolation to Spartacus fans as season one has ended and the main character, Andy Whitfield (Spartacus), is still recovering from serious illness. The good news is Whitfield is expected to recover and the second season is already in the worksā€¦ along with the jewelry shipments to the production team.

Rumor has it that Crafty Celts of South Carolina recently shipped a box of their historically inspired creations to Pacific Renaissance, LTD - creators of Xena, Hercules, and Spartacus. The production company will very likely use the pieces in the upcoming "prequel." Way to show em' how it's done, Crafty Celts!

The Crafty Celts website is a little different than you'd expect from a typical "Hollywood" type jewelry outfitter. The product speaks for itself! The pieces are out of this world hard to find, original, and historically provocative. You may not be the Renaissance fair type, but if youā€™re a jewelry lover, youā€™ll see other implications for these pieces.

{Necklace and cocktail ring highlight Ilithyia's (Viva Bianca) aristocratic beauty.}

Be among the first to peek at jewelry by Crafty Celts, rumored designers of jewelry for the upcoming Spartacus Prequel at:


Other General Spartacus treats:
Spartacus: Blood and Sand - The Complete First Season  Spartacus: Blood and Sand (TV) - Movie Poster - 11 x 17


am gutierrez saidā€¦
show me, show me , show me.....:)