Battle of the Bling: Which housewife jewelry line “wins?”

So I’m sorry to make you wait until the midnight hour on this one! It’s time for a little fact finding…I mean serious Friday night action in the ring…I mean...ok maybe they aren’t really competing with each other at all – but since conjuring up an uncalled for cat fight is the very spirit of the show we'll still imagine a “battle” in honor of that. [ding!]

Let's take a look at Ramona Singer’s jewelry line. Ramona Singer had some great odds right out of the gate with this. Her husband, Mario, is pretty famous for being the owner of an already established jewelry and awards wholesale company. Most of you have seen the True Faith line on the show. Ramona, a very ambitious business partner, undoubtedly took a couple pages from the family book when she established her line of “affordable” rings, necklaces, and earrings that are designed to “look like they cost thousands of dollars.” Ramona and HSN are a genius pairing. When the line debuted it was immediately a customer favorite. Ramona’s line gets points for classic designs, variety, and sterling silver.

Teresa Giudice’s jewelry is available on her website.  Teresa, since I’m from New Jersey, I'm comfortable with you like the girl next door, but since this jewelry is a collection rather than an exclusive line, I have to ask you to step out of the ring. Although if this was a real battle, I’d place my bet on you (although Kelly has major reach advantage!)

Kelly Bensimon teamed up with one of the world’s most famous jewelry designer/manufacturers (not a bad idea). Kelly scored points when she won the famous battle of the owl. She also scores points for the iconic themes that run throughout her older pieces as well as for going with the underused Navaho theme for some of her newer pieces, although, I’m not sure of my love for the use of feathers. Kelly’s pieces are costume and fairly affordable. Her website is chic and her jewelry has received placement with high-end retailers such as Kitson. To learn more about Kelly, visit her website.

Lynn Curtain began her jewelry line as a sort of arts and crafts project a few years ago. I am giving her points for having originally assembled the cuffs right on her kitchen counter, although it did often seem like those glues were making her a bit tipsy. Lynn’s company is still up and running and you can check out her website. Lynne’s disadvantage in this contest is the price point vs. materials. I give her points for having a plan and sticking to it, i.e. being one of the few companies to exclusively design cuffs...although, there is a bedding line now in the works. Hm.

Lisa Wu Hartwell’s jewelry line, Wu Girls launched back in 2008. I have to give Lisa special points for her cute spunky personality and business names such as “closet freak.” I’ll also give her points on her past collaboration with Essence.Com as well as for her extremely reasonable prices on solid gold cuffs. You can see more of Lisa’s piece on Essence, however, the company has gone out of business, and for now, these pieces are no longer for sale, an immediate disqualification from our battle!

...a final shake down

With Teresa Giudice and Lisa Wu Hartwell Disqualified, we are left with Ramona Singer, Kelly Killoren Bensimone, and Lynn Curtain. The price point vs. materials is a bit too large a strike again Lynn to keep her in this battle.

…so here we are left with diehard Ramona Singer and Kelly Killoren Bensimone! This one really isn’t a hard call for me.

...And the winner is…

                                                             Kelly Killoren Bensimon.

Although her reputation on the show has left her less than favorable in some public eyes, you have to hand it to her when it comes to her apartment and her jewelry line. Although she has "people", I feel that is evident that Kelly is really very picky and serious about what goes into her collection. Like it or not, design and beauty have clearly played a major part in Kelly’s life for decades. Being surrounded by beautiful icons undoubtedly seeps into your soul. Although I’m not personally big on the real feathers, the Navaho channeling in her pieces is very nicely focused. I do believe she’ll be the front woman for some more goodness in the future. Of all the housewives I’d declare her the most designer-esque designer…and there you have it.  Not all pieces are available on her website but I'll be letting you know where you can find more soon.


am gutierrez said…
I am working at being gracious, working very diligently at it...... you have well thought out arguments for and against each woman ...the rub is what it always is "she teamed up with one of the world's most famous jewelry designer/manufacturers" ...hmmmm...and weren't feathers were "in" three years ago - getting placement with Kitson , kind of says it all - trendy mass appeal for young label concious crowd - oops , that nasty twin of mine keeps getting out! :) thanks for the contest!
Anonymous said…
Celebrity jewelry designer Nancy Rosen has collaborated with her design team and created a nice line of travel jewelry for The Real Housewives that has been worn on many of the shows. I hear she is also behind some of the cast members jewelry lines. There are several nice pieces for sale now at Shop by Bravo. You can also find her pieces on and But her whole collection can be found at Check it out.