FREE GIVE-AWAY! Thanks for reading Jewelry Dose Daily!

Web analytics keep no secrets!  You are checking us out, and unlike the extra tanned girl in the dark sun glasses and teeny bikini on the (ugh) jersey shore, We are not too cool to let you know we noticed!... We don't just notice.  We appreciate it.  Those of you (up to 5 people - first come first served) who leave a thoughtful comment on one of our articles and link to us on their facebook or twitter (really easy!)between now and Friday of this week will get a free pair of sterling silver pearl earrings. <3 JewelryDoseDaily (and I mean it!)


Kaity Stardust saidā€¦
Hellooooo! This is Kaity Cochran and I adore this website. I especially love the link you posted yesterday. The glass jellyfish necklace is beautiful.

I also went through my whole friends list yesterday and suggested everyone to "like" your facebook page before I even realized this contest was going on.

Do I get the prize?? :D
Thanks so much for your comments Kaity! Yes you are definitely getting sent a pair of earrings!!! (up to four spots left to get earrings before Friday - I hope more people will take advantage of it! : )